Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sweet 16?

It's all downhill from here. No really, it's really all downhill because once the 28th hits it will mark the downhill of my job but the uphill of this summer. I'm just kidding, I hope.

It certainly doesn't feel like sixteen days have gone by, more like 29. It seems like its time for me to have a glass of wine in my hand to unwind from such a hectic week.

So there is this song by John Mayer I have been listening too all day and it just rings true to the dreams I've been having. It's called "Whiskey Whiskey Whiskey" This is a lame blog I know, but life must go on.

"Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey
Water, water, water
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey
Wake up, shake it off
And repeat"

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