Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 11 The burnout stage

I was genuinely hoping that my burnout phase wouldn't be until day 15, then by 20, I'd tell myself only 10 more days! No. I still have19, painful days. It wouldn't be so painful if my job didn't take up at least 10 hours of my day. I know this is only temporary, but I'm exhausted. This reminds me of those times were I would look forward to a glass of wine, then by the time I'd ride home I pretty much had to chug it before I slept. This is because my momma raised me not to waste alcohol, especially wine. That's reversing the class than having someone walk in my room, see the wine bottle and a glass laying on the floor as I'm passed out next to it. Wait, that's already happened.

Tomorrow I have off, and I've really been enjoying the gym for now. I can't wait until I get paid so I can get some new running sneakers and I can finally just take off. I really think that will keep me going. When I workout, I have more energy and this probably would not have felt like such a burnout period. However, I have been running around since 8am, thus leaving me here, sitting in my dorm, waiting for a boiler maker to appear in my hands to fight the sting of tonight's Celtics v Heat game. That was more disgusting than Miley Cyrus marrying the hot brother of Chris Hemsworth. Like seriously?

I'm falling asleep as I'm typing and I'm getting writers cramp.

Night y'all.

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