Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 15: Bitch Fit

Why didn't I convince my self to have one off day? Why is there not RUM in this bottle of pepsi. The only purpose it serves is to keep me awake, because who knows when I'm going to be bothered again.

Who in the hell puts their room key in another room that is not for their room so it can get stuck? AT 16! Seriously, we can't figure out that if you're given a key for your room that only opens YOUR room, why stick it some place else? This is the perfect lesson for society for boys. Don't go stick your dick in just some random hole, or it will get stuck and then you'll be somebody's baby's daddy. This "challenged" person was a girl nonetheless. "YOU'RE ONLY HOLDING US BACK YOU KNOW WERE ALREADY OPPRESSED".

Ah! I need a shot of something, and water will not help me.

I'm halfway there. That's all I can keep telling myself is that I am halfway there and in the clear to finally relax.
You know, I'd find this situation to be hysterical if I were drunk. Hell, I'd probably hangout with these kids. Of course not, I'm sober, so I know right from wrong. I HATE living like that.

I've been told that I am relying on alcohol as a crutch. Who doesn't? I'm friendly when I drink, I am more willing to listen to you because I will have something in my hand to distract me so in theory I'm not really listening to you. There are benefits when I have this sweet elixer pumping through my veins.

I'm tolerable to. I feel as if I don't really have any friends here. I mean, I'm kind of their manager so I can imagine why they don't want to get too close. Many have spoke about going out a few times, until then I have two more weeks to cope through this all.

I should have said 28 days.

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