Sunday, July 15, 2012

Why I love Whiskey

    "I'm not big on whiskey, but the whiskey sour was pretty good"

-He who will not be named

 No, I'm not referring to Voldermort. This is what my close friend just told me. So I felt inclined to speak out on why Whiskey is in fact the best liquor out there. Sorry buddy, but what you just said is like blasphemy to my ears. I'm going to need a moment to compose myself for this.

Seriously though, what the fuck

How can someone not like Whiskey? I cannot fathom it. I think people who choose not to try it or don't like it are unaware of all how versatile it is. Vodka and Rum are good options yes, but Whiskey has it's own character. It's process itself manifests itself into so many varieties.

 I only say this because I personally feel that everyone should enjoy Whiskey. Whiskey is bold, it has character, it has this unique bite that I think is a classier choice than tequila. Even though will just take shots of them both any day.

It also gets you drunk. Some people forgot this was a blog about alcohol. Odd.

Here are the reasons why Whiskey is one of the best beverages out there. Just try it.

  1. Whiskey has alter egos
  2. It can be mixed with almost anything
  3. Drink that shit straight for once and stop being a little bitch about it.
Sorry. You needed to read that.

Point 1.
Whiskey's alter ego. Many don't know this, but Whiskey can be distilled in ways rum and vodka can't. Whiskey is made in so many different countries. The more popular are Irish(Jameson),Scottish, and American. Common whiskeys are Jameson, Jack Daniels, and Crown Royal. Whiskey can also age to become bourbon, or if you're a classy bitch or any old fart; scotch.  

Point 2.
That shit can be mixed with anything! Juice, pop, other liqueurs it's more flexible than Tila Tequila (too 2009?) One of my favorite mixed drinks is the old fashioned. Yes, I am really a 38 year old male. However, I don't care because it's delicious, it makes me happy, and when I have more than 5, I like to pretend I have a monocle. 

Point 3


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