Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Drinking can do for you!

It's funny how fast thirty days of drinking can fly as opposed to thirty days of sobriety. If it wasn't obvious from Facebook, twitter, or whatever you choose to use to stalk me (I really hope you're not in my closet. If so, do you have any olives for my martini?) that the latter of this challenge was a blast. I went out, partied, drank in my room, got drunk about 80% of the time. I really wish that were a lie.

Basically the past thirty days were a blackout, here's why.

Selective Energy- I say this because a large amount of my energy was spent drinking and going out. Is that wrong? FUUUUUCK No. Does that effect other prorities, you bet your ass it does. Since I saved my energy for drinking, when it came time for work I was practically a zombie. I would pretty much lay around and have people do  hard tasks, while I would complete the mindless ones, like Tetris.

Eating Habits- At this very moment I am try to fight off a pot belly. I try not to eat a lot because I am aware that alcohol is full of empty calories and I'm sensible to know what I need to put in my body and when. I also get drunk faster if I eat less which makes the wallet happy. It's just those hangover days (20/30) of them were I raid the cafeteria and wonder how I finished three plates and a yogurt. Weight has fluctuated this past month, but I still try to make a habit to go to the gym. The only catch is, I don't go six times a week anymore. It's more like four, or three. However when I'm there, if I prepare myself mentally, I can still dish out a good work out, that's the rugger in me. I love that rugger is a word and that I didn't have to do spell check.


Strength- That concept has not left me thankfully. In fact, when I'm drunk I feel even stronger. It's like I'm Thor or  more so the HULK in his early stages. I cannot control my actions in the least and I just want lift, jump, or break things. So yes, I'm She Hulk.

Mood- This one is very significant that we should all pay attention to. Everyday at work if I'm stressed out my motivator is a drink. This is something you should not rely on but here I am. I'm actually going 31 days strong because as happy as I was knowing I don't have to drink, that is still all I want to do. If not, I'm a bitch. With a lack of energy comes a low tolerance for patience, and I hold a lot of emotions in all the time. Sometimes I may have a short temper. Prime example, my boss did something that upset me so much, I set up my mattress to be a punching bag.

Right now I need to work on a slow transition to not drinking everyday. I need to save that for the weekends, as well as knowing that I need to save my money. Can you tell even my will to write this is limited? Thanks booze.

I don't recommend everyone trying this challenge because we all react differently to substance abuse. I really need to push myself to have a controlled habit or my posts will forever become jibberish, like this one.


  1. I read ur post as I had no purpose of doing searching on net and drinking but u wrote good.

  2. I read ur post as I had no purpose of doing searching on net and drinking but u wrote good.
