Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 4

   I'm getting very impatient. I get impatient with myself, with others, with the computer taking so long to boot up. I cannot relax for some reason today. Today was a bad day to say the least. Things, just didn't seem right. Nothing wrong with Syracuse I love it here, just everything else.
   I guess a bad habit of mine is when I have a bad day, hard liquor was a vice. I remember so many times during my senior year of my Undergrad my roommates didn't have to ask how my day was. They would simply seem me walk to the fridge, and pour myself a double shot of tequila. The time of day was never a concern. Even this past semester, I would have bourbon on the rocks, or scotch with a splash of water. These things pretty much took the edge off of whatever kind of shitty day I was having.
   Right now I am in a zero tolerance zone. Sadly, I thought this would come by day 20. In a way I guess I'm happy it's coming now so then maybe it can just get out of my system and by day 20, I can look forward to the ten remaining days I have of sobriety. This zero tolerance zone is self explanatory. I have zero tolerance for bull shit. You bull shit me you're either gonna get cut out or chewed out, or if your my computer you may get thrown out of the window. Wait, this can apply to people too. If you mess with me I'll just throw you out the window. It doesn't matter the size or body type, anyone who knows me knows I'm good for it.

So....yea. I'm going to lock myself in my room, pack to move to a new dorm, and watch television shows all night and keep to myself.

If you're not on my shit list, feel free to communicate as long as it is minus the shit.

I don't know anybody who like excrement, and neither do I.

Tell someone you love them, I guess.

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