Monday, September 3, 2012

Why you should work at a liquor store in college

1. Keeps you classy- Working at the type of liquor store I work at you begin to learn what's good and bad for you. You instantly become the gateway to your friends stomachs on what will and won't make them puke. It seems so simple to me, but I'm sure some of you didn't know this.
    Drink something high in sugar, well then enjoy spending your time in the shitter
    Drink something natural and unique, you become one classy bitch! You chique!

2. Oh the people you meet- Networking is prime at a liquor store. Customers connect with other customers, staff and at the very end;me. As the person at the register I get to have the last word with all of our customers. Since November, I have learned ways to become a cop, fire fighter, places to eat, find a car,etc. Everyone loves liquor, so refer something that you know that customer has never had before. When they like what you give them, they'll take care of you.

3. YOU FUCKING DRINK!-Well, that's if you're 21 or know how to really get your manager off. They even encourage it. My first day at the job, I was drunk off of scotch slurring my words trying to order Chinese in my apartment even though the Asian kept screaming "WE CLOSING". I still persisted on the sesame chicken.

I will never get sick of this job. EVER.

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