Saturday, May 5, 2012

30 Day Challenge x2!!

 May 28th, I'm going to challenge myself to go THIRTY DAYS WITHOUT DRINKING

This means...
  • Have a sip of alcohol
  • I cannot eat anything with alcohol in it
  • I can't even have an act of desperation and try the whole Hand Sanitizer fad!.....although that's really fucking gross.
That number looks huge when it threatens my habit.

So basically, I can't look like this

 I actually may be compelled to look like this do to lack of the best beverages created by man...
Sad, I know. No one likes to see me like that. BUT THE SHOW MUST GO ON!
 I have to prove to myself that I can stay sober for 30 days anyway. That is the main reason why I'm doing this(so a certain someone can cease calling me an alcoholic). I want to see how much $$$ I save, as well as how my body reacts from a lack of this fine elixir. I'm sure I'll realize other things, but I'm not that bright right now, seeing as how I'm drinking as I'm writing this.

But wait, there's a....


 As June 28th arrives, I will do nothing but DRINK FOR THIRTY DAYS. yes, when that day hits, shit will get real.

Now this doesn't mean that I plan on being drunk every night (although I'm sure I will be 5 days out of the week). I just want to start having at least a drink everyday for thirty days to see how my budget reacts as well as my body. This is all a learning experience on how I can push myself.

During both instances I will be eating right, and exercising regularly. So no worries, I will be taking care of myself. I understand my limits, and if it got to a point where it was better for my health to not drink or in a realistic sense, not to drink as much, I will slow down or stop.

I just can't wait though so I can go back to this
  So to wrap up

  1. May 28th no drinking for 30days
  2. June 26th...Party time,

Everyday I will keep a track. If I fail to blog then I am failing the challenge. I want to make sure that I am committing to this experience.

Wish me luck? It's totally fine if you don't support this. This means we were never friends to begin with =D

Sweet message of the day: Give someone a hug today, you'll never know how much they may need one.

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