Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 2: Uphill

    I had the pleasure of having lunch with my co-worker today. His name is Jon. He's a senior at SU, and very opinionated. I like him :) You wanna know what the first two questions were? If he was of age and if he drinks. He made a mention of Marshall street so I knew he was hinting about night life so I just had to ask. I was also thinking about Pina Colodas while I was eating my pineapple, oh! or a Mai Thai :) That's actually all I thought about this morning even when I was talking to Kristen (student in my cohort) in the study abroad office. I wasn't sure if I'd break my 30 days. I still wonder. I may forget at a social setting because it's second nature to me. Is it sad that I think about drinking in the morning and at night? I wonder if my supervisor likes wine and if so what kind? On another note, I'm proud of myself for not googling the nearest liquor store. Though I have thought about it.

  With that being said, I've learned (sadly from the media) is if you quit one vice, you fall into another. A vice I've always juggled with is eating. I associate that as a vice just as much as drinking. Watching television (I need chips or a beer), writing a paper (totally needs three glasses of wine or a snack). I am trying very hard not to use that as a vice because I am trying to live a healthy lifestyle and tone up my body a bit. I've created a workout plan for myself to do if I work too late and the gym is closed.

Workout plan for dorm
1.       Wall split -3min
2.       Pushups (10)
3.       Wall split- 3 min
4.       Pushups (10)
5.       Boxing combination-5 min
6.       Mountain climbers -50
7.       Pushups (20)
8.       Boxing combination-5 min
9.       50 crunches
10.   Brandon’s leg thing
11.   bicycle
12.   Pushups (10)
13.   Plank-60 sec
14.   Boxing 5 min
15.   Pushups (10)
16.   Wall sit-2 min

           This workout was about 45 minutes and there was a pool of sweat on the floor. I felt like I actually got a lot out of it. I played upbeat music and pushed myself. I will see in a week on how effective this is, or if it needs to be harder. 
             What also plays a factor is that I'm surrounded by Undergraduate students here. I mean I can be friendly and socialize, but its not going to be easy developing a friend base. One junior was very nice to me this morning, she showed me around. A lot of people here are very hospitable and I enjoy that. It makes me enjoy my time here, especially when I can't fill my time in the bars currently. Another reason why I'm avoiding making friends, I don't know if I can handle drinking pop or water at a bar. Yes I just said pop, I'm from Buffalo deal with it. 

             Lesson of the day: Stay busy, Stay focused, Stay energized. I wrote, worked out, read, and wondered. This was a productive day. If it's not as humid I'll try tackling the bike against these hills

I    I'm either going to be really fit and have calves of steel by the end of the summer, or I may be on suicide watch.

P   Wish me luck?

    Oh and tell someone you love them. You could be surprised the last time they heard it :)

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