Saturday, June 16, 2012


What would top this day off would be a "Perfect Margarita". Instead, I'll teach you how to make one.

What you will need:
  • Lime juice/lemonade or any citrus juice
  • Triple Sec (for college students), however I challenge anyone else to use another orange liqueur like Grand Marnier, or Cointreau 
  • Tequila of course
  • Ice
  • mixer
  • filter
  • salt
NOTE: I do not care how much money you do/don't have. Do not use Jose Cuervo for a Margarita. DON'T USE IT AT ALL! Here is a quick lesson on tequila.
Tequila is made of the Blue Agave Plant  whose origin is in Mexico. Technically, Tequila is made with 100% of the blue agave plant. Tequila which is distilled right away is normally called "silver" or "clear". It contains a smooth taste, but is not aged in oak like two other tequila variations are. Aged tequilas in my opinion are best. There are two kinds; one is called Reposado (aged 6 months) and the other Anejo (aged two years). Obviously, the Anejo will have a stronger bite than the Reposado but the Reposado is still tasty. The Anejo however will be the least smooth but this type of tequila can add a bit more character to your drink. The more feasable tequila is the silver or the resposado. A good Anejo tequila can range from $60-$120..yikes

Jose Cuervo only has 20% Blue Agave. They call it "Gold" for a reason. It's all food si stop wasting your money.

My Tequila Recommendations are
  • Patron Silver
  • Espolon Silver or Resposado
  • Corzo Silver
  • Milagro Reposado
  • Azul Silver
  • Herradura Reposado

Now that this is off my chest, let's go back to how to make the "Perfect Margarita".

Since you have the right liquor, take the mixer and place two ice cubes in it. First things first for every cocktail you make that needs a non-alcoholic blend, the liquor should come first. If anyone knows me, I am quite the drinker. With that said, on a Monday I would  put only two shots of tequila in the mixer. Seeing as how it's a Saturday, you probably want to get drunk as fast as possible so better make it four (3 1/2 if you can't keep up with me). Then place two shots of your orange liqueur into the mixer. Based on taste, take your citrus drink and pour about half a glass worth (depending on how big your serving glass is) into the mixer. I like to put a little dash of salt to give it a sweet and salty taste that mixes well with the tequila. If you want to be fancy, lace the rim of your glass with water, put salt around the rim of the glass. An easy way to do this is to put a lot of salt on a plate, and taking the wet glass to the plate (rim first) and salt should adhere to your glass. You classy bitch. Finally, make sure all the caps are on  and secured to your mixer to avoid a mess (it happens to the best of us). Take the mixer and shake (WHAT YO MOMMA GAVE YOU) for fifteen seconds. Serve with the lid off and  place the filter on top of the mixer to conserve the ice for the next lucky candidate of your delicious drink.


Insert a Sentiment:
Today, was more than a great day. Days like these are days I needed  to help me get through these past twenty days. The days were there are adventures through and through, and memories worth keeping. Days when I'm not spending four hours or more alone in my room watching internet television.  These are days were I'm living.

I'm not saying that I couldn't have done this all along, I'm saying that the opportunity was limited. I don't have a lot of money and when I do have it I like to share it to only people I care about. Taking my mom out to dinner tonight and having us both not drink and just enjoy one another's company was a gift. Catching up with an old friend/rugger/kairos XXVIII member just people watching at the pride festival, and getting lunch was a gift. I regret nothing these past 20 days, however this was the push I needed to get through to the next ten.

Work has it's means to keep me very busy too. So busy that I will be up at 6AM, and fall asleep at 10PM just to do it all over again. Those days I don't mind either, because I'm focused and I have a wonderful staff to share this experience with. Weakness alomst overcame me yesterday, but now I'm not looking back. These ten days are mine, and I will earn my first beer in Syracuse, NY.

There is no need to go and explain my day to a T. I want to keep this to myself. 

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